Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday Set List 05/03/09

OK This was the craziest Sunday in a long time...
But first - I'm going to do what I have to do....

You can find other worshippers' set lists here -

OK So this time I'm making you go to planning center because I am...
Planning Center Link
Go check it out.... Planning center is cool.

Anyway, so I lost my voice on Saturday morning... and it kept getting worse during the day. I didn't know what to do. I was going to teach "Everlasting God"... which we didn't end up doing (but is on the planning center sheet because I want to keep it there... no reason) So I called Bud Baird and asked him to lead in my stead. Now here is where it gets semi - interesting. I haven't missed since my daughter was born last year (July 9th). So, I decided to play acoustic for him while he lead. I'm sure that was weird... Having me there and not singing. So, because I didn't want to drape the responsibility of teaching on Bud, we dropped "Everlasting God"... but I forgot to inform the Ushers... so no one came down for the Offertory. I remembered it in the middle of "Shout to the Lord" - so I had to vamp instrumentally as the ushers came down. I felt so bad for forgetting. After that, Bud and I didn't know where the other was sitting so we danced around each other for a little bit and got a small laugh - an unintentional laugh. Anyway, the day ended up being a good day - and I asked about 4-5 people to think about leading with me some other weeks.

God took a moment of panic and turned it into something that I think will benefit this church for a long time. God is good

Hope your week was blessed! Thanks again for coming by, and - if I can talk - please check out (and comment on) my "more detailed" worship confessional for the week of 5/03
Keep singing His praises!


  1. Haha you had a week like mine!
    but God is faithful!
    Hope your voice returns!

  2. I understand how you felt today that's for sure. But God did the same things over here to. He is good. Don't talk and let that voice heal! :)

  3. I hope you feel better soon! Have a great week.

  4. God knows our hearts... and our minds. It's all good.
